What's the Warranty on my Well Pump?

 We are often asked what the warranty period on a submersible well pump is. All submersible manufacturer's offer a 1 YR WARRANTY on submersible pumps and motor product. Check out this quick information sheet from Pentair Products: 

Many manufacturers have specific agreements with installers or dealers like us at Heritage Well to offer an extended warranty for specific periods of time. These warranties are subject to review from the manufacturer and exclude failure due to electrical, water quality and heat related issues. 

Unfortunately, manufacturers like Grundfos, Goulds, Franklin and Pentair have had the upper hand in these agreements and most recently have regularly denied warranty replacements for many of our clients due to issues listed above. As a result, here at Heritage Well we have been transitioning our clients to accept what is formally written from the manufacturers and accepting what is provided which is a 1 YR manufacturer warranty in the "bumper to bumper" fashion you might think about similar to a vehicle warranty. 

Due to these issues with warranty claims, we have transitioned all of our installations and quotes to include pump protection to eliminate premature submersible and booster pump failures to protect our clients investments. There are several options for pump protection on the market and we discuss them all in detail here but include product provided by Little Fuse, Franklin, Electric Safety Floats, Low-Pressure Cut-off switches and VFDs. These products offer a higher level of protection to your equipment from incoming electrical issues, rapid cycling and run-dry scenarios that reduce the life of your equipment. 

Have questions or want to learn more? Give our team a call or text to 951-763-2210 to discuss your needs and concerns further. 


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