Signs you may Need a New Water Well Pump

 Signs you may Need a new Water Well Pump

Unfortunately, there are not many signs to warn you that your  water well pump is going bad. You’ll most likely find out you need a replacement on a morning when you’ve woken up late, your kids can’t find their homework, and you have a meeting with your boss at 8:00 a.m. 

In other words, you’ll most likely find out you need a replacement at one of the most inopportune times, like when you try to start your morning shower, and you find you have very low pressure or no water at all. 

Well Pump Troubleshooting 

Your home’s water system is made up of two important components: the well pump and the pressure tank. The well pump draws the water from the well near your home; the pressure tank provides storage for the water and regulates your home’s water pressure. So, when you shower, wash the dishes or run the washing machine, that water comes from the pressure tank. 

If you think your well pump is going bad, it may truly be your pressure tank that’s actually causing the problems. 

Some of the most common indicators of a faulty water well pump and pressure tank include: 


1. You Have No Water 

A good indication that your pump has failed is a complete lack of water in your home or business. If you turn on a faucet, flush your toilet or turn on your shower and there’s no water, it’s a good indication that your water pump is not functioning. However, before you call our professional well pump repair specialists at Kaufman Well Drilling, you should check your pump’s circuit breaker. If it’s tripped, reset it by turning it fully off then back on. If the circuit breaker trips again, there could be a problem with your pump, the power your pump is receiving or the circuit breaker. At this point, it’s time to call for a water pump repair in order to locate and fix the problem so that the water to your home or business can be restored. 

2. You Have Air in Your Plumbing Pipes 

If you turn on a faucet or your shower and there is air coming from your lines, it could be an issue with the placement of your water well pump. It could be higher than your well’s water level, which means the pump is sucking very little if any water into your plumbing system. If your pump is misplaced, we can move your pump to the proper location in your well so that it is able to pump water. There could also be cracks or leaks in the plumbing pipes leading from your well pump to your home or business. If this is the case, you’d need to have your broken or cracked pipes replaced by one of our professional plumbers. 


3. You Have Low Water Pressure 

Low water pressure can indicate that your pump isn’t operating correctly or is improperly sized for your well. However, it can also mean that you have a hole in your pressure tank or that your water level is extremely low. Our professional water pump repair specialists can examine your water well pump as well as your plumbing system to determine if your low water pressure problem is the pump or another component, like the pressure tank. 

4. Your Pump Never Shuts Off 

If your pump is always on, it may indicate that your pump cannot pump water from your well. This is especially true if you have low or no water pressure. A constantly running water pump may also indicate a problem with the pressure tank or a leak somewhere in your system. The bad news is that you can’t leave your water pump running constantly. It increases the wear and tear and makes it more likely that your pump will completely fail in the near future. Instead, when you notice that your water pump never shuts off, call our professional well pump repair specialists in Northeastern Indiana so that the problems with your well can be diagnosed and repaired. 


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