How long does it take to drill a well?

 The process of drilling a well can take as little as 4 days up to 4 weeks or more. This timeline is based on the type of drilling required, depth and diameter of the hole. 

For a standard air-rotary rock hammer drilling job, the timeline can be quite short. A typical schedule is:

Day 1: Move-in/Set-up of Equipment and preparation of the sanitary seal

Day 2: Installation of the Sanitary Seal under the direction of county personnel and drilling of 60-200 ft.

Day 3: Drilling and Installation of casing if well is less than 600 ft

Day 4: If completed with drilling on previous day, clean-up and move out, if well is deeper than 600 ft continue drilling, can usually drill to around 800 ft.

Day 5: Continue drilling if well is deeper than 800 ft, can drill to 900 ft (100 ft per day after 800 ft)

For a standard mud-rotary, alluvial drilling job, the timeline is about a week. A typical schedule is:

Day 1: Move-in/Set-up of Equipment and preparation of the sanitary seal

Day 2: Installation of the Sanitary Seal under the direction of county personnel and drilling of 60-100 ft.

Day 3: Drilling to 400 ft

Day 4: Drilling up to 600 ft or if shallower, casing well, gravel packing and flushing

Day 5: Developing and Quantifying production

Day 6: Clean-up and move-out

If a well is larger or deeper than a standard 500 ft residential/individual well this timeline is extended to complete the installation and will be detailed in your drilling project. 


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